Mohammad Qadir
Lead Applications Scientist
Based in Mumbai, India, Dr. Tejas Gunjikar, is proud to live and work in the heart of the “Pharmacy of the World,” acknowledging India’s key role as a significant global supplier of affordable medications. A formulation scientist at his core, Tejas’s passion is to make medicines safer and more accessible globally.
After obtaining his PhD Tech. (Pharmaceutics) from Institute of Chemical Technology in Mumbai, Tejas immediately began working as a research and development scientist. When his career brought him to Dow, he took a deeper interest in the world of excipients. Today, IFF Pharma Solutions is fortunate to benefit from Tejas’s deep technical expertise as well as his R&D and application know-how.
“I feel blessed to be an integral part of the pharma industry in India,” said Tejas. “The excipients that IFF Pharma Solutions produces play a critical role in safe and effective drug delivery for billions of patients worldwide.”
Tejas’s career focus on drug delivery systems is evident through his many publications and the seven US patents that he holds for his work on rapidly dissolving tablets. He is currently involved in several projects at Pharma Solutions to design oral drug delivery systems. In addition, he is the customer engagement manager on ESG topics – educating customers on Pharma Solutions’ sustainability strategy, goals, and progress.
But never doubt that he also knows how to have fun! If you challenge him to a game of squash, he’ll bring his “A” game! When he doesn’t have a racquet in his hands, it might be a camera – enjoying his most recent hobby of photography. Whatever passion he pursues, his driving force is always to care for and positively impact his co-workers as well as his community – making life better for all.
Mohammad Qadir
Lead Applications Scientist
Rhea Wang
Senior Applications Scientist
Marizela Delic-Schlumbohm
R&D Director
Elizabeth Tocce
Lead Applications Scientist
Joshua Katz
Senior R&D Manager
Nasrin Mahmoudi
Senior Lead Applications Scientist
Roland Adden
Vice President R&D